Cooper's Final Draft

I was cleaning out Coops backpack this morning, while going through his school work I found a paper he wrote.  It was so cute and funny I had to share!  Here it is word for word and exactly how he wrote it:

Final Draft by Cooper Date 9/10/10

"My favorite place to go is Salt Lake because I get to see my cousins.  Their names are Kalli, Hanna, Izeck and Macie.  Every time I go up there we go to Lagoon and Cherry Hill.  I love Salt Lake because when we go up there to Lagoon and Cherry Hill I get to see my Grandpa and Grandma!  I love Salt Lake so much that I want to live there for the rest of my life!
Also before I stop writing I just want to say that if you live in Salt Lake you have snow in the winter.  Oh yeah!"

I thought this was so sweet because he truly does love his cousins Kalli, Hanna, Izeck and Macie!  He loves to spend time with them and go to Lagoon and Cherry Hill.  But my favorite part is how he said before he stops writing....snow!  Well, I guess when he's older he can live in SLC but his mama is going to stay right here in sunny St. George!!!


McRae Family said...

His mamma should listen to the smart young man....he may be on to something. SLC is pretty darn great. And Farmington is even better......Love the story and we love him to pieces....I shared this with the kids and they all had big smiles on their faces. Love you Cooper!

Whitney said...

He is such a sweet boy!